Every community services sector has procedures related to managing workplace communication, and protocols regarding how information is managed. It is important that workers understand information that is being provided and to seek clarity when required. Accurate information management underpins quality service provision.
Most sectors have formally documented protocols and informal expectations regarding how information is managed and the lines of authority which it must pass through. These lines of authority are sometimes known as ‘governance structures’ or ‘operational lines’. The role of these lines is to ensure that information and issues pass through a chain of people in an order that will enable the information to be dealt with at the most appropriate level.
Not every piece of information needs to go straight to the chief executive officer (CEO) and instead will need to be communicated to the correct person. For example, if you run out of pens and need a purchase order approved, then it is highly inappropriate to ask the CEO to sign the form if your supervisor has the authority to manage those kinds of operational issues.
It is therefore important that you are aware of and follow the communication protocols in your workplace.