Farming Lifeskill Guide

Farming is an AFK lifeskill that allows you to earn extra silver passively. You can obtain seeds and fruits by breeding, or can harvest the crops for materials. Farming goes well with the cooking lifeskill, since you can plant ingredients such as Onions, Garlic and Pepper, which are common bottlenecks for cooking.

Crops only grow while your account is logged-in, and require you to either tend to the crops yourself, or use workers to maintain the farms. You also need to spend Contribution Points to rent fences, and higher farming level allows you to use better fences and better seeds. With a good setup, you can make a decent amount of silver with minimal effort, since you only need to tend to your farm when the crops have finished growing.

How to obtain Farming Fences

To start farming, you need to obtain “Fences”. These are plots of land that you can place seeds onto.

You can have up to 10 farms in TOTAL (eg. you can’t have 10 small fences and 10 strong fences).

However you can mix and match the different farms (eg. 4 small fences and 6 strong fences).

Free Quest Fences

There is a once-per-family questline you can complete.

The quests reward you with iconFinto’s Strong Fence x2 and later in the questline, these can be exchanged for icon Klau’s Old Moon Fence x2