
Plot [ f , < x , x min , x max > ] generates a plot of f as a function of x from x min to x max .

Plot [ < f 1 , f 2 , … > , < x , x min , x max > ] plots several functions f i .

Plot [ < … , w [ f i ] , … > , … ] plots f i with features defined by the symbolic wrapper w .

Plot [ … , < x >∈ reg ] takes the variable x to be in the geometric region reg .

Details and Options

Annotation [ f i , label ] provide an annotation for the f i
Button [ f i , action ] evaluate action when the curve for f i is clicked
Callout [ f i , label ] label the function with a callout
Callout [ f i , label , pos ] place the callout at relative position pos
EventHandler [ f i , events ] define a general event handler for f i
Highlighted [ f i , effect ] dynamically highlight f i with an effect
Highlighted [ f i , Placed [ effect , pos ] ] statically highlight f i with an effect at position pos
Hyperlink [ f i , uri ] make the function a hyperlink
Labeled [ f i , label ] label the function
Labeled [ f i , label , pos ] place the label at relative position pos
Legended [ f i , label ] identify the function in a legend
PopupWindow [ f i , cont ] attach a popup window to the function
StatusArea [ f i , label ] display in the status area on mouseover
Style [ f i , styles ] show the function using the specified styles
Tooltip [ f i , label ] attach a tooltip to the function
Tooltip [ f i ] use functions as tooltips
w [ f i ] wrap the f i
w [ < f 1 , … > ] wrap a collection of f i
w 1 [ w 2 [ … ] ] use nested wrappers
Above position above curve
Below position below curve
Before position before curve
After position after curve
Start position at start of each curve
End position at end of each curve
x near the curve at a position x
Scaled [ s ] scaled position s along the curve
< s , Above > above relative position at position s along the curve
< s , Below > below relative position at position s along the curve
epos in label placed at relative position pos of the curve
AspectRatio 1/GoldenRatio ratio of height to width
Axes True whether to draw axes
ClippingStyle None what to draw where curves are clipped »
ColorFunction Automatic how to determine the coloring of curves
ColorFunctionScaling True whether to scale arguments to ColorFunction
EvaluationMonitor None expression to evaluate at every function evaluation
Exclusions Automatic points in x to exclude
ExclusionsStyle None what to draw at excluded points
Filling None filling to insert under each curve
FillingStyle Automatic style to use for filling
LabelingSize Automatic maximum size of callouts and labels
MaxRecursion Automatic the maximum number of recursive subdivisions allowed
Mesh None how many mesh points to draw on each curve
MeshFunctions how to determine the placement of mesh points
MeshShading None how to shade regions between mesh points
MeshStyle Automatic the style for mesh points
MethodAutomatic the method to use for refining curves
PerformanceGoal $PerformanceGoal aspects of performance to try to optimize
PlotHighlighting Automatic highlighting effect for curves
PlotLabel None overall label for the plot
PlotLabels None labels to use for curves
PlotLayout Automatic how to position curves
PlotLegends None legends for curves
PlotPoints Automatic initial number of sample points
PlotRange < Full , Automatic > the range of y or other values to include
PlotRangeClipping True whether to clip at the plot range
PlotStyle Automatic graphics directives to specify the style for each curve
PlotTheme $PlotTheme overall theme for the plot
RegionFunction ( True& ) how to determine whether a point should be included
ScalingFunctions None how to scale individual coordinates
TargetUnitsAutomatic units to display in the plot
WorkingPrecision MachinePrecision the precision used in internal computations
Automatic use a dotted line for the clipped portion
None omit the clipped portion of the curve
style use style for the clipped portion
"Column" use separate curves in a column of panels
"Row" use separate curves in a row of panels
< "Column" , k >, use k columns or rows
< "Column" , UpTo [ k ] > , < "Row" , UpTo [ k ] > use at most k columns or rows
style highlight the indicated curve
"Ball" highlight and label the indicated point in a curve
"Dropline" highlight and label the indicated point in a curve with droplines to the axes
"XSlice" highlight and label all points along a vertical slice
"YSlice" highlight and label all points along a horizontal slice
Placed [ effect , pos ] statically highlight the given position pos
x , effect at < x , y >with y chosen automatically
effect at
< pos 1 , pos 2 , … > multiple positions pos i
"ThinLines" thin plot lines
"MediumLines" medium plot lines
"ThickLines" thick plot lines
s y scale the y axis
< s x , s y > scale x and y axes

List of all options

AlignmentPointCenter the default point in the graphic to align with
AspectRatio1/GoldenRatio ratio of height to width
AxesTrue whether to draw axes
AxesLabelNone axes labels
AxesOriginAutomatic where axes should cross
AxesStyle style specifications for the axes
BackgroundNone background color for the plot
BaselinePositionAutomatic how to align with a surrounding text baseline
BaseStyle base style specifications for the graphic
ClippingStyleNone what to draw where curves are clipped
ColorFunctionAutomatic how to determine the coloring of curves
ColorFunctionScalingTrue whether to scale arguments to ColorFunction
ContentSelectableAutomatic whether to allow contents to be selected
CoordinatesToolOptionsAutomatic detailed behavior of the coordinates tool
Epilog primitives rendered after the main plot
EvaluationMonitorNone expression to evaluate at every function evaluation
ExclusionsAutomatic points in x to exclude
ExclusionsStyleNone what to draw at excluded points
FillingNone filling to insert under each curve
FillingStyleAutomatic style to use for filling
FormatTypeTraditionalForm the default format type for text
FrameFalse whether to put a frame around the plot
FrameLabelNone frame labels
FrameStyle style specifications for the frame
FrameTicksAutomatic frame ticks
FrameTicksStyle style specifications for frame ticks
GridLinesNone grid lines to draw
GridLinesStyle style specifications for grid lines
ImageMargins0. the margins to leave around the graphic
ImagePaddingAll what extra padding to allow for labels etc.
ImageSizeAutomatic the absolute size at which to render the graphic
LabelingSizeAutomatic maximum size of callouts and labels
LabelStyle style specifications for labels
MaxRecursionAutomatic the maximum number of recursive subdivisions allowed
MeshNone how many mesh points to draw on each curve
MeshFunctions how to determine the placement of mesh points
MeshShadingNone how to shade regions between mesh points
MeshStyleAutomatic the style for mesh points
MethodAutomatic the method to use for refining curves
PerformanceGoal$PerformanceGoal aspects of performance to try to optimize
PlotHighlightingAutomatic highlighting effect for curves
PlotLabelNone overall label for the plot
PlotLabelsNone labels to use for curves
PlotLayoutAutomatic how to position curves
PlotLegendsNone legends for curves
PlotPointsAutomatic initial number of sample points
PlotRange < Full , Automatic > the range of y or other values to include
PlotRangeClippingTrue whether to clip at the plot range
PlotRangePaddingAutomatic how much to pad the range of values
PlotRegionAutomatic the final display region to be filled
PlotStyleAutomatic graphics directives to specify the style for each curve
PlotTheme$PlotTheme overall theme for the plot
PreserveImageOptionsAutomatic whether to preserve image options when displaying new versions of the same graphic
Prolog primitives rendered before the main plot
RegionFunction ( True& ) how to determine whether a point should be included
RotateLabelTrue whether to rotate y labels on the frame
ScalingFunctionsNone how to scale individual coordinates
TargetUnitsAutomatic units to display in the plot
TicksAutomatic axes ticks
TicksStyle style specifications for axes ticks
WorkingPrecisionMachinePrecision the precision used in internal computations