How to fill out a Financial Disclosure Statement in Wisconsin

Family law matters involving property and debt division will be required to file with the Court and exchange between the parties a financial disclosure statement. The easiest way to complete this form is by properly organizing your information before starting the process.

Gather Proof of Income

Gather documents listed for each type of income applicable to you

    1. W2's: Last 2 years W2’s
    2. Tax Returns: Last 2 years tax returns (includes schedules and 1099’s)
    3. Employment:
      1. Non-Self-Employed: Last 12 weeks of employment paycheck stubs
      2. Self-Employment: Last 12 weeks of pay stubs or in lieu of pay stubs please provide Quarterly Profit & Loss statements, and 2 years business tax returns
      1. Wisconsin Unemployment:

      Gather Proof of Assets

      Gather documents and statements to determine asset valuation

        1. Real Estate: Mortgage, 2 nd Mortgage and/or Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC), Real Estate Tax Bill, recent 3 rd Party Appraisal
        2. Bank Accounts: Checkings, Savings, Money Markets, College Savings (529 plans)
        3. Retirement Accounts: 401(k), 403(b), IRAs, Roth IRAs, SIMPLE IRA, SEP, SARSEP, Payroll Deduction IRAs, Profit Sharing, Defined Benefit Plans, Money Purchase Plans, ESOPs, Governmental Plans, 457 Plans (statements must contain the official plan name)
        4. Insurance: Life/Home/Auto/Medical (include your benefits verification statement from your employer)
        5. Investment Accounts: Taxable Brokerage Account, Thrift Savings Plans (TSPs)
        6. Vehicles/Motorcycles/ATV’s: Print off the Kelley Blue Book PRIVATE PARTY value
          1. KBB:

          Gather Proof of Debts

          Gather documents and statements to determine debt valuation

            1. Loans: Auto, Student, Personal, etc.
            2. Credit Cards: include cards that have a $0 balance
            3. Insurance Policies: (homeowners/auto/renters/health/vision/dental)
            4. Overdue Bills: (include bills that are in collections)

            For Immediate help with your family law case or answering any questions please call (262) 221-8123 now!

            Sterling Financial Disclosure Portal: HELPFUL TIPS & REMINDERS

            1. Before you begin the FDS Portal gather and organize your supporting statements similar to the list we provided. The final step of the portal will prompt you to attach your documents. Please upload all your documents as a PDF or photo/screenshot (PNG/JPEG).
            2. We strongly recommend using a laptop or desktop computer when accessing the portal.
            3. Try to work with the portal in the order provided from left to right, the required documents list follows the same order.
            4. The FDS portal autosaves your information. You can stop at any time and return to the portal to continue working. Each time you return you will need to use your login and password.
            5. If you are ever “lost” on the portal click the blue link Financial Disclosure Statement on top of your screen to return to the home page.
            6. Each section will first ask you to indicate if it is applicable to you with a Yes or No. If you answer all your questions as No the next page will ask you the following:
              1. Save and Continue, Allow for Additional Updates” This section will remain on the home screen with a gray heading indicating you need to return to add more info.
              2. “Save and Continue, Section is Completed” This will highlight the home screen heading in green to indicate you are finished

              Are you ready to move forward? Call (262) 221-8123 to schedule a strategy session with one of our attorneys.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              What forms are needed for Wisconsin divorce?

              The main forms needed to begin a divorce are the summons, petition, and confidential petition addendum. There will be a variety of forms needed throughout the divorce. Forms that you will need can be downloaded on our website.

              How do you fill out financial statements?

              To fill out a financial disclosure statement, you need to gather the necessary documents such as documents proving income. You can follow the guide above for an in-depth walk through.

              What documents do I need for financial disclosure?

              There are many documents you will need for financial disclosure including tax documents, copies of any leases, and statements of any financial accounts. For a complete list, look at the descriptions above.

              What is a confidential petition addendum in Wisconsin?

              A confidential petition addendum is where individuals provide information such as their social security number in a confidential way.

              How do you divide assets in a divorce?

              To divide assets in a divorce, you can use the property division worksheet. The worksheet goes through all the major assets that may be present in the divorce. For more information, you can see our article on how property and debts are divided in divorce.

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