If you are forming an LLC, partnership, non-profit, etc., you must file your business with the Oklahoma Secretary of State. As a registered business, you can legally sell goods or services in Oklahoma. The Secretary of State’s Business Filing Department processes corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, certificate of partnership fictitious name for general partnership, trade name, and trademark registration filings. Such filings include new registrations, amendments, mergers, dissolutions and withdrawals for both domestic and foreign entities. Registering your business takes about 15 minutes and costs $100 plus a service fee. After completing the online filing and paying the fee, you should receive a copy of your business registration, including your business’s Secretary of State filing number.
To complete the business registration process in the State of Oklahoma, start by performing a name availability search to see if your business name is available.
When ready, registration is available electronically or by filling out the appropriate forms and submitting them to the Oklahoma Secretary of State.
If your business name is available and you are still not ready to register the business, you may reserve your business name for up to 60 days by filing a name reservation. Note that a name reservation is not a business registration, its purpose is to only reserve the business name.
When you decide on your desired business structure, note which formal types of business structures must be registered. These business registrations are available electronically or by filling out the appropriate forms and submitting them to our office.
Selecting the legal structure or entity type under which to operate a business is the decision of the business owner(s). The staff of the Secretary of State's office will not discuss what the selection should be. However, the structure selected and started with, initially, can be changed, later, to another type. Thus, if a future owner cannot consult or confer with a qualified professional (i.e., tax accountant or CPA, attorney or other source) before starting the business, then he or she should do so, as soon as possible, afterwards. Persons involved as owners in a general partnership or an LLC (including family members should develop and maintain a written “partnership agreement” or “operating agreement” as applicable. Information concerning comparisons regarding starting or owning a small business can also be searched on the Internet. The entity registrations with the SOS are also, often, mistakenly confused as the same actions to obtain various licenses or permits required to operate a business in Oklahoma. Licenses and permits are completely different requirements that are covered in the next section of this document.
Oklahoma Department of Commerce
900 N. Stiles
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
The intent or purpose of this website is to provide more information and direction for starting a small business. None of its contents should be considered “legal” or “mandatory” advice. It is recommended to always seek the advice of expert professionals such as licensed accountants or certified public accountants, attorneys, certified financial business planners and others that are qualified to work with small business owners
Copyright © State of Oklahoma