Essentials of Business Management Curriculum

Penn Foster’s online Essentials of Business Management consists of classes geared toward helping students gain foundational knowledge to enhance a business career. Your classes cover an introduction to business, business writing and math, and management essentials.

Business Management Essentials

1-570-961-4033 (9AM - 9PM ET)

Essentials of Business Management Curriculum

Estimated completion time:

With Penn Foster, you can learn at whatever pace works best for you. Some learners will be more comfortable moving faster, and dedicating more time, and the fast track estimate will apply to them. The average track will apply to most learners who can dedicate a few hours per week to completing their coursework. The estimated completion times are based on completion times for learners enrolled in this program from May 2021 - April 2022, excluding withdrawals.

This course outlines the elements of business and the challenges businesses face in a global environment, such as competition and economic factors. You’ll learn why accounting, technology and information systems, marketing, and management are essential to starting and growing a business. You’ll also learn the basics of managing financial and human resources and the ethical and social responsibilities required of a successful manager.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

This course will provide a foundation in basic mathematical operations. You'll learn about percentages, discounts, interest, present worth, sinking funds, installment buying, pricing, depreciation, investments, insurance, the use of symbols and their applications, equations and formulas, and the importance of statistics.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

Learn how to write business and technical documents.
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

Note: We reserve the right to change program content and materials when it becomes necessary.

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