Will you pass the Lyft background check & driving record check?

Before you can drive for Lyft, you must complete a free background screening that looks at your criminal history and driving record.

The background check typically takes around 2–10 days. If you meet Lyft’s criteria, you’re ready to drive!

Will you pass the background check? Check the criteria below to see. All sources are from Lyft and verified reader reports.

What you need to know about the Lyft background check

Running into delays with your background check? Visit the Checkr applicant portal for updates and contact Lyft & to ask for an update.

Want to drive for Lyft? Click here to apply

How to begin the Lyft background check

During the application process, a popup in the Lyft driver app will prompt you to read background check disclosures and consent to a background screening.

Authorize the background screening the begin the process.

If you don’t get a prompt to begin the background check, go to Menu > Account > Documents and look for Background Check in the To-Do list at the top of the page.

A background check disclosure popup for drivers

Tap the prompt to begin background screening

a background check disclosure showing legal information and a button to authorize

Depending on your state, you will see different disclosures

After you authorize the background screening, you will get an email from Checkr Background Services letting you know that your background check is in progress.

The email from Checkr will also give you an estimated completion date and a link to the Checkr applicant portal.

Lyft typically estimates that your background check will take 3–8 days, but the actual length can vary.

Lyft reviews your records after Checkr completes your background check. The time it takes to review your records is unpredictable. It can take less than a day, but it usually takes a few days.

an email from lyft letting an applicant know that their background records are being reviewed

It may take Lyft a few days to review your records complete the background check process

How to check the status of your background check

Go to the Checkr applicant portal to get updates on your background check. The portal can also let you know if Checkr needs any further information for you.

You can also check the Lyft driver app for updates. You will get a notification when your background check is complete.

How far back does the background check look?

Local laws and Lyft policy determine the exact number of years that the Lyft background check can look back.

Lyft states that they look back seven years for certain criminal convictions. But there is no stated time frame for other major offenses.

For the driving record check, Lyft looks back three years for minor violations and seven years for major violations.

You can be disqualified for some major issues in criminal history, even if they were more than seven years ago.

Generally, your chances of getting accepted as a driver increase if issues on your record happened 7 or more years ago.

Background check delays! How long is it supposed to take?

message in the lyft driver app saying background check in progress

Background check in progress for more than a few days? Check the status and contact Lyft

Most Lyft drivers report that the background check takes 2–10 days. Courthouse delays and complications with your records can extend the process.

It’s common to run into delays if you recently moved to a new state or recently updated your driver’s license.

If you’re already an active driver, background check refreshes typically don’t take as long as the initial background check for new drivers.

If you think your background check is taking too long, you can visit the Checkr applicant portal to check the status.

You can also contact Lyft and ask for updates and ask if you need to do anything to move the process along.

Typically there’s not much you can do to make your background check faster, but you might be able to speed up the process by checking up with Checkr and Lyft.

Criminal background check requirements & disqualifiers

After you consent to background screening, Lyft will examine your criminal history to see if you qualify to drive.

You may be disqualified if you: