Nlst screening report form

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NLST Dataset Forms

The LSS and ACRIN components of NLST used different data collection forms. The forms listed below are the sources for the datasets hosted on CDAS.

ACRIN collected additional data on other forms. You can download the ACRIN NLST CRF Set, which contains all of the ACRIN forms.

Topic LSS Form ACRIN Form Datasets containing data from these forms
Smoking History (Baseline) EVF (148 KB),
MHQ (193 KB)
E1, SS Participant
Demographics MHQ (193 KB) DP Participant
CT Screening SCT (171 KB) C2, I9 Participant
SCT Screening
SCT Abnormalities
SCT Comparison Abnormalities
X-ray Screening XRY (189 KB) DR, I8 Participant
XRY Screening
XRY Abnormalities
XRY Comparison Abnormalities
Diagnostic Procedures DE (183 KB) ZX Diagnostic Procedures
Complications of Diagnostic Evaluation DE (183 KB) ZX Medical Complications
Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Tumor Characteristics DE (183 KB) ZX, ZL Participant
Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer Treatment TI (148 KB) TF Treatment
Lung Cancer Progression CP (129 KB) CX Progression
Non-lung Cancer Diagnosis CDF (110 KB),
DE (183 KB)
ZP, ZD Participant
Cause of Death Death Certificate,
CDQ (100 KB)
Death Certificate,
Cause of Death
Endpoint Verification Process (EVP) CDQ (100 KB) CDQ Participant
Cause of Death
Non-cancer Conditions DE (183 KB) ZX LSS Non-cancer Conditions
ACRIN Non-cancer Conditions
Contamination HAQ (156 KB) (N/A) HAQ
Withdrawal NRF (113 KB) NP Participant
Study Update (procedural) ASU (165 KB),
ASU-PS (169 KB)
F1, F2, F3 No direct inclusion in datasets
Cancer Notification (procedural) CNF (93 KB) CC No direct inclusion in datasets

Descriptions of the trial's protocol may be found in the LSS MOOP (6.4 MB) and the ACRIN protocol (Contact ACRIN for more information). Additional information on study design is available through links on the Main Findings page.

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