Report Generation Speed - decide when reports are generated and if students can have multiple attempts to submit. The options are:
- Generate reports immediately (resubmissions are not allowed) - Originality reports are created immediately and students may not resubmit papers. Submissions must be deleted by the instructor to enable resubmission.
- Generate reports immediately (resubmissions are allowed until the due date) - The Originality Report is generated immediately. Students may resubmit as often as the student wishes up until the due date. Turnitin will require students to wait 24 hours between viewing each subsequent Originality Report. Only the latest submission is available to the student and instructor. When the due date passes the originality report is regenerated and student submissions within the same assignment are included in the comparison which may result in a change to the originality report similarity index. Resubmissions are not allowed after the due date.
- Generate reports on due date (resubmissions are allowed until the due date) - Originality reports for submissions are generated on the due date. Resubmissions are allowed up until the due date.
Grademark option settings
- Attach A Rubric To This Assignment - to use a marking grid, enable it here (see Turnitin guidance on setting it up).
Advanced Turnitin Assignment settings:
The rest of the settings are not particular to Turnitin, so we won't cover them here.
Once you have selected all of the required options click 'Save and Display'. The assignment's summary page displays with options to configure each assignment part in more detail.
Further settings for a Turnitin assignment
The summary screen displays settings organised in three tabs which we will describe in turn.
Submission Inbox tab
When you are logged in as a Tutor you can access the student submission inbox by clicking the 'Submission Inbox' tab. Here you can edit some of the settings you previously made (and access the rest via the Update button). You can also configure a Turnitin Rubric or QuickMark set (see Turnitin guidance on these), configure how many submissions display on each page, and refresh the submissions. You can notify students who have not submitted - particularly helpful if the submissions are anonymous. Below those settings is the inbox of students' submitted work.
- If you have set up the assignment to use groups you will see a 'groups' dropdown located at the top of the page. Selecting a group will filter out all the students in other groups (not compatible with anonymous assignments).
- Next, you will see the title, start, due and post dates for the assignment. You can edit the dates simply by clicking on the date or the edit icon next to it. The post date is when any grades & feedback will be revealed to students and anonymous assignments will become de-anonymised
- If you want to bulk download the assignments in either their original format or the Turnitin PDF format use the icons under the Export heading.
- The next icons provide quick links to the Rubric Manager and the Quickmark Manager.
- (If enabled) The next line down details any Peermark settings and provides a link to the Peermark Manager.
- The next section of the screen displays a table of all the submissions for the assignment
- You can control how many records you see on one page using the Show dropdown in the top left corner of the page. You can also use the Search function in the top left corner of the page if you need to search for one student.
- If a student's Similarity report says pending, you can click on the Refresh Submissions icon at the top of the table.
- The 'Student' column shows the name of the student (this will display anonymous if anonymous marking is enabled) The 'Similarity' column shows the percentage similarity score for the submission with a 'heat map' rectangle underneath it. If a submission is still being processed it will display 'Pending' and a grey rectangle. Note: Assignments should not usually take longer than ½ hr after submission to show the similarity report, however, at peak submission times this may take longer. If a report still says pending after several hours, please report this problem to ELE.
- The last two icons allow you to download or delete that individual submission. Note: Submission time stamps in red have been submitted after the deadline.
Submit on behalf of a student
You can submit on behalf of a student if necessary / permissible by selecting the Cloud-Arrow icon in their record - though this won't work if submissions are set to be anonymous.
Turnitin Tutors tab
This tab is usually only needed if you or colleagues expect to be accessing your assignment through Turnitin's web interface i.e. independently of Moodle. Here you can add any outstanding colleagues who need to be tutors. Difficulties bulk-downloading Turnitin inboxes are sometimes due to not being a Turnitin Tutor.
Turnitin Students tab
This tab is usually only needed if you expect students to be accessing your assignment through Turnitin's web interface i.e. independently of Moodle. Here you can add any outstanding students whose work you need to access via Moodle.